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Peer-reviewed articles

Book chapters

  • Mroszczyk, J. “Terrorism and Information Warfare.” In M. Abrahms, ed., The Routledge Companion to Terrorism Studies: New Perspectives and Topics (forthcoming).

  • Mroszczyk, J. and M. Abrahms. “Countering Extremist Organizations in the Information Domain.” In M. A. Sheehan, E. Marquardt, and L. Collins, eds., Routledge Handbook of U.S. Counterterrorism and Irregular Warfare Operations. Routledge (2021).

  • Mroszczyk, J. and M. Abrahms. “Terrorist Target Selection.” In M. Haner and M. M. Sloan, eds., Theories of Terrorism: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge (2021).

Book review

Other publications


Mroszczyk, J. (2018). Dying for a Reason: An Empirical Assessment of the Tactical Utility of Suicide Operations (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (10982352). Committee: Max Abrahms, Stephen Flynn, Assaf Moghadam (external).

Access to my publications can be found here and my Google Scholar page can be found here.

I am nearly always working on other manuscripts, research, or generally thinking about my next project, so drop me a line if you are interested in learning more.